Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nominations for Trial Lawyer of the Year

Nominate a colleague for the VCTLA 2012 Trial Lawyer of the Year. 
The award will be presented at the VCTLA dinner meeting on May 21, 2013.
Nomination Deadline: May 1, 2013

Award Criteria:
VCTLA Member
Noteworthy 2012 Civil Trial Result
An Advocate Who Demonstrates High Standards Of Ethics And Civility
An Advocate Who Has Contributed To The Legal Community And
   To The Betterment Of The Civil Justice System

Download the form today, and submit it to Susan McCarthy - President of VCTLA!


  1. The State alleges Malema and the others misrepresented themselves to the Limpopo roads and transport department, leading to a R52 million contract being awarded to On-Point

  2. “I know that the media is not always accurate,” said one potential juror known as Juror H-69, a pregnant woman in her late 20s. “My sense is that they are trying to get the news out … it would be impossible for them to have all the information that happened.”
