Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nominations for Trial Lawyer of the Year

Nominate a colleague for the VCTLA 2012 Trial Lawyer of the Year. 
The award will be presented at the VCTLA dinner meeting on May 21, 2013.
Nomination Deadline: May 1, 2013

Award Criteria:
VCTLA Member
Noteworthy 2012 Civil Trial Result
An Advocate Who Demonstrates High Standards Of Ethics And Civility
An Advocate Who Has Contributed To The Legal Community And
   To The Betterment Of The Civil Justice System

Download the form today, and submit it to Susan McCarthy - President of VCTLA!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

VC Office of Education Thanks VCTLA

VCTLA is committed to the success of the Ventura County Mock Trial Program. Winners of the state competition 3 times in 2008, 2011 and 2012, the Ventura County Mock Trial Program is a source of pride here in Ventura County.  Recognizing the importance this program has in our community, VCTLA donated $5,000 to the 2013 Mock Trial Program. 

In the past, the facilities used for Mock Trial have been donated. Unfortunately due to the tight economy a rental fee is now required. Because of rental costs, the Mock Trial program was in danger of ending.  

According to Victoria Brown of the County Office of Education, Ventura County Trial Lawyers Association's financial and volunteer support "is essential to affording more than 500 Ventura County students with a quality Mock Trial experience judged by qualified scoring attorneys in the courtroom."

VCTLA encourages attorneys to volunteer and participate in this program. 
Get involved in your community - volunteer today.  
Want more information? Click here to visit the Mock Trial website.

VCTLA Supports Ventura County Mock Trial Program

Ventura County Trial Lawyers Association recognizes the importance of the Ventura County Mock Trial Program, and has made a contribution of $5,000.

On January 17, 2013, Ventura County Superior Court Judge Kent Kelligrew thanked VCTLA for their support.  Watch the video below.

For Information about how you can get involved with the Mock Trial Program, visit the Ventura County Office of Education's website:

Friday, January 11, 2013

What's New in Tort & Trial?

VCTLA's January Dinner Program will be held at the Courtyard by Marriott in Oxnard, on January 17th.
Buffet Dinner: 5 pm
Program: 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Earn 3 professional training and continuing education (MCLE) units - including 1 Ethics Credit.

Tickets: $95. Purchase 2013 membership and pay $75. Register by January 7** and receive $10 off. 

R.S.V.P. to VCTLA's Monthly Dinner Program by Purchasing Your Tickets here.

January's Dinner Program is scheduled for the 3rd Thursday* of the Month.

* Please note that this program will not be held on a Tuesday, as regularly scheduled.
** Sale Extended to January 12, 2013 - RSVP today!