Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"How Advertising - Not Just by Lawyers - And the Media Impact the Way Jurors See You & Your Client"

Please Join VCTLA for a Dinner Program on June 26, 2012 at the Courtyard Marriott in Oxnard, and earn 1 MCLE Credit.

Reception 6 pm and Dinner 6:30 pm.

Andrew Fraser brings his well received East Coast presentation on lawyer advertising to Ventura.

Honored as a 2012 "Top 100" New Jersey Trial Lawyer by the National Trial Lawyers Assoc., Andrew will educate and entertain as he shows what you have overlooked in the media, and how the public sees trial lawyers and their clients. Humorous yet revealing, this fast paced one hour program is a must see. Please join us. All are welcome.

Click here for the flyer. RSVP today!

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