Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Judges' Night - Tuesday March 25, 2014

Ventura County Trial Lawyers Association presents Judges' Night 2014.

Continuing its longstanding tradition, VCTLA will honor the judges and other judicial officers of the Ventura County Court at Judges’ Night on March 25, 2014, at The Tower Club in Oxnard.
VCTLA is delighted to take this annual opportunity to acknowledge the professionalism and hard work of the judges and other judicial officers who make Ventura County one of the best places to practice law.

As part of the celebration, VCTLA will honor Judge Colleen "Toy" White. as 2013 Ventura County Judge of the Year, and will honor Judge David Long (ret.) with the unveiling of a formal portrait to be hung in Courtroom 22 of the Hall of Justice.

No Host Cocktail Hour from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m.

Choose ONE of the following dinner options:
Champagne Wild Mushroom Chicken;
Roasted Branzino Sea Bass;
Short Ribs; or

Purchase your tickets online and pay with your credit card, by clicking here.

Want to Sponsor Judges' Night 2014?  Click here to pay online.

Download the flyer here.

Nominate the Trial Lawyer of the Year!

Nominate a colleague for the VCTLA 2013 Trial Lawyer of the Year. 
The award will be presented at the VCTLA dinner meeting on May 20, 2014.
Nomination Deadline: May 1, 2014

Award Criteria:
VCTLA Member
Noteworthy 2013 Civil Trial Result
An Advocate Who Demonstrates High Standards Of Ethics And Civility
An Advocate Who Has Contributed To The Legal Community And
   To The Betterment Of The Civil Justice System

Download the form today, and submit it to Greg Johnson - President of VCTLA!