Thursday, March 20, 2014

Effective Motion and Trial Practice in Ventura County

Ventura County Trial Lawyers Association 


Effective Motion and Trial Practice in Ventura County:
Perspectives from a Legal Research Attorney and Courtroom Clerk


Michael Mayer and Ned Elfrink

An experienced research attorney and a courtroom clerk with the Ventura County Superior Court will present an informative program on civil law and motion and trial practice in the Ventura County Superior Court. In addition to “do’s and don’ts,” the program will include (1) Top problems with motions; and (2) Particular problems with discovery motions, attorneys’ fee motions, motions for summary judgment, and proper marking and reference to exhibits and calendaring.

*Earn 1 MCLE Credit*

April 22, 2014
Reception 6:00 pm; Diner: 6:30 pm; Program: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
The Tower Club at 300 Esplanade Drive, 22nd Floor